Welcome to Local Video Jackpot Bonus Module!

Bonus Module 1: More Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door

BuiltWith   |   RankWatch

Bonus Module 2: My Personal Rolodex of Video, Image and Sound Content

Click Here for the Rolodex Download (Too Many Links to Simply Put Them Here)

Bonus Module 3: Other Services You Can Offer


Bonus Module 4: How to Customize Your Done for You Website

You Can Download Your Website Here. 
Please Follow the instructions in the training in order to install it.

IMPORTANT: If you get stuck and cannot access the site once you import it, the default user is “eric” and the password is set to: 123456789!!!@@@. I recommend changing the default user to your own name and use your own password.

Bonus Module 5: Local Video Jackpot Traffic Multiplier

Links From the Training

Quora  |  Yahoo Answers  |  Facebook  |  Image Fu  |  Laurel Leaves Award Maker  |  Viral Content Bee  |  Muncheye  |  Loom  |  Canva

Bonus Module 6: How I Got Started

Bonus Module 7: Doing it Remotely


Even More Bonuses For You!

Click Here to Get Your Instagram Videos

Funnel Building Paint by Numbers

Click Here to Get Your Outsourcing Guide

Click Here to Download Your Retargeting Guide

Click Here to Download Your Local Video Jackpot Quick Start Guide


Support: support@localvideojackpot.com